J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2000;24(5):900-907.
Disability Scale for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: Spinal Cord Independence Measure.
Na, Seung Yong , Seo, Jeong Hwan , Ko, Myoung Hwan , Kim, Yun Hee
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chonbuk National University College of Medicine.
척수 손상 환자의 기능 평가 척수 독립성 지수
나승용, 서정환, 고명환, 김연희
전북대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the reliability of the Korean version of Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM) and to compare the sensitivity of the SCIM to functional changes of spinal cord injury (SCI) patients with that of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM).

Seventeen subjects with SCI were studied. The SCIM was translated and modified to convert as SCIM Korean-version. All patients were evaluated with the SCIM and the FIM by two raters every other week. To determine inter-rater reliability, the relationship between the SCIM scores obtained by two raters was evaluated by Kappa coefficient and linear regression. To determine relative sensitivity of the test to functional changes, changes in the scores on the SCIM and FIM were compared by McNemar test.

The Kappa coefficient of the various individual tasks in SCIM ranged between 0.63 and 1.00. High correlations were also found between the total SCIM scores for the paired raters (r=0.99, p<0.01). The SCIM detected all the functional changes detected by FIM total scoring, but in 3 (14%) of 22 sequential test batteries, the FIM missed changes detected by SCIM total scoring.

These results demonstrated that the SCIM is reliable and more sensitive than the FIM in reflecting the functional changes of SCI patients.

Key Words: SCIM, Disability scale, Spinal cord injury, FIM


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