J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008;32(3):327-332.
The Effects of Subtalar Joint Ankle Brace and Shoes on Static Postural Balance in Elderly.
Park, Jong Woo , Lee, Seung Jo , Han, Seung Hoon , Park, Si Bog , Lee, Kyu Hoon
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medcine, Korea. dumitru1@hanyang.ac.kr
노인에서 신발과 거골하 관절 보조기가 좌우 정적 자세 균형에 미치는 영향
박종우, 이승조, 한승훈, 박시복, 이규훈
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To determine the effects of subtalar joint ankle brace used with shoes on static postural sway and limb load asymmetry (LLA) in elderly.
620 healthy adults volunteered. These subjects were administered with the balance test on three different conditions, with bare foot, with shoes only and with aircast and shoes. All subjects were divided into two groups; younger (<65 years) and older (≥65 years) group and tested for LLA and postural sway with a balance tester.
In both younger and older group, wearing shoes only and wearing ankle brace with shoes reduced the LLA and postural sway significantly compared to bare foot condition (p<0.05). In older group, there was also significant LLA and postural sway reduction in wearing ankle brace with shoes compared to wearing shoes only (p<0.05). The differences of LLA between bare foot and ankle brace with shoes in older group was more prominent than in younger group (p<0.05).
Wearing a subtalar joint ankle brace with shoes improved right-left static postural balance as compared with wearing shoes alone in elderly. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2008; 32: 327-332)
Key Words: Ankle brace, Postural balance


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